How to Make FADS™

Fads™ goes to DQM pt.3

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This time around Stitches came for the journaltastic party again and it was a HOOT.


On the train we caught some pics of a dude melting into his seat but they came out too awkward to post. Ha.

We got to the old QM of D and after pleasantries and creeping out all of the staffers with my active microphone, Stitches and I noticed these two girls chilling on the checkered ‘L’ bench staring at an ecstatic twig trying on mad beanies.

It turned out the twig was a dude visiting from portland who went to school in London and the girls were the twig’s friends from PRATT. Now I think Pratt’s a cool place because a super skilled artist I know teaches there (yes we will be featuring him here sometime soon), but these girls were less than enthused about it. They “liked the school and all” but they were still getting used to it. One was from Portland and the other was from fuck-a-trucksville in Florida and I guess they were the only artsy people they knew before coming to Brooklyn so when they got here they banded together and decided to rebel against all of the art-faggotry (word? Chill. No homo son.) by wearing fleece-n-jeans-n-frowns together. Actually only one of them was frowning but thats cus she was sorta mucks and therefore getting no attention.

ANYWAY we met this guy, Ben, the new dude who was a skater that grew up to be an organic lettuce farmer, but one that went hardcore with the plows and whatever, the opposite of weekend warrior hipster farmers (Sami McMullet from sanfran, that means you). He’s actually writing a ballad of his conquests in Spain and thats why he would prefer to remain anonymous for the moment.

bensatenp.s. Those decks behind dude’s head aren’t just for show unlike at other lauded establishments, DQM actually has the best skate prices in the city. Don’t believe me? Go ahead and ask Ben if you see him.

p.s.again WE completely recorded everything that went on in that store from our conversation with the pratt girls to the life story of benny kickflip BUT THE SHIT DIDNT COME OUT.My mic works now but im worried about that haphazard recording naamean?

Written by FADS Administration

December 24, 2008 at 1:05 am

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